Elite Masterminds /
Coaching Retreats
While “work off-sites” are a great tool used to build camaraderie and connection, Coaching Retreats are designed facilitate deeper connection within yourself. You return home with renewed purpose!

From time to time, typically once a year, Raju organizes exclusive and intimate retreats with a stated purpose and outcome.
“We never rise to the level of our goals, we always fall to the level of our beliefs.” – Atomic Habits
An example of from a previous year…
Who is this for?
✅ High achievers who know that “what brought you here, won’t take you there”! Work does not equal fulfillment
✅ You recognize that you are in an unhealthy relationship with yourself if your daily life consists of stress and anxiety and you blame your work for it, or something else
✅ You no longer want to live a life that has been based on others’ expectations, rather than your truth and authentic self
This Journey Consists Of:
Knowing Yourself
What does it mean to know yourself? It is to remember that at the deepest level of your Being, you are one with all that is. Identify your unconscious limiting beliefs that have kept you on a hamster wheel, that eventually leads to lack of fulfillment of your core mission. Connect with your core!
Moving from Head to Heart
The contemporary man has been programmed to strive, to achieve, to climb ladders and to learn to provide and protect. This mind-led cycle only leads to imbalance and trauma that can be mental, emotional and physical. Learn strategies and gain practical tools for a heart-led approach to uncertainties with clarity and confidence.
Being You, Free
If you are not your best friend, who will be yours? Men are designed to pursue a ‘core mission’ that allows them to feel alive and uniquely themselves. The core mission is a deep-rooted desire that lies in your heart. Discover practices that allow you to make the transition for you to tap into YOUR unique power, dominion and authority.
Location: TBD, typically an exclusive and private home in a special location in mountains or near the ocean
Get in touch with Raju to see if you qualify, or if you are an employer, want to help to organize one exclusively for your select leaders.