Bold Conscious Connections Podcast

"A leader is alone: she is the one that takes the risk of stepping into the unknown" (Guy Finley)

This podcast is intended to bring guests who know what it means to embrace uncertainty, be curious and live life in wonder. Each of us is a candle that can kindle one in another.

If we can truly begin to understand that life is not a bed of roses or thorns, and that we are meant to experience life as it is. Our lives have been all about a “program” we were born into in this world and we live an automatic resistance to something that is unwanted based on the program. We feel unfulfilled because there is deeper sense in us that knows better.

This podcast seeks to bring insights to you, to go deeper….ENJOY!

If you had this daily practice, that Triccia and Raju talk about in this conversation, you may actually discover how we live our lives… on autopilot and the unconscious! As we end Season 1, after 31 episodes, we thank all our listeners and our community of conscious leaders who are being bold in their life’s...
Oginga Carr, a Certified High Performance Coach, with deep human resources expertise, in a heartfelt conversation with Triccia and Raju. He takes you through his BOLD SHIFT when he had extreme diabetes at a young age; how he managed to lose 200 pounds and how his early life in team sports laid the foundation for...
Transmuting negative emotions into higher vibration! How Ody helps people channel their trauma into healing and free themselves of the burdens of the past! “Emotion is really energy in motion”! Ody uses acronyms and plays with words to simplify ways to understand deep concepts and begin the journey of transformation! A must listen if you...
OMG is right! You’ve got to hear the story of Claudia taking us through her story, how she connected with the “folks”, as she calls it, and how as an 11 year old, began to hear them! She is deeply dedicated to help people connect with their own spirit, within themselves, and teach them how...
If you awaken each morning, you are ALIVE. But… how do you know you are you truly LIVING? An episode in which Triccia and Raju share some of their own reminder practices! To get to know more about our work, please go to: If you have questions, please write us at:
What does it mean to RELAX? It is not what you think! Listen to this quick episode…. and realx! To get to know more about our work, please go to: If you have questions, please write us at:
After our 3-day BOLD CONSCIOUS LEADERS SUMMIT on April 28, 29 and 30, we HAD to share about the power of community and interconnectedness! The amazing people we connected with at our Summit only proved to us that we cannot over-emphasize the benefits of connecting with like-minded people! Listen to this exciting episode and takeaways...
All your work lies in “allowing”. Listen to Triccia and Raju share how you can harness the power of allowing! Precious… a must-listen! To get to know more about our work, please go to: If you have questions, please write us at:
Entrepreneur? corporate?? Homemaker? Parent? Caregiver? If you are a high achiever, high performer, you care deeply, you want to make a difference to others, just know that BURNOUT is real! Triccia and Raju share some of their own stories and learnings. And some practices to prevent it. To get to know more about our work,...
Almost 4 months of 2021 GONE! If you still want clarity around your next level, ability to monetize your goals and gain the power of collaboration through community, this is the event to join! 9 amazing speakers who have been there and done that and continue to express themselves, and they show YOU how to...

Oh wait, don’t leave yet!

Download this FREE workbook and take your first steps to becoming a Bold Conscious Leader.

why be bold 5 steps on how by raju panjwani